Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Most Amazing Cat: Bengal Cat

Most Amazing Cat: Bengal Cat

You like calm and peace around the house. Then, Bengal Cat is definitely not your choice. It is not delicate and is greatly mischievous, muscular and strong. It is quite graceful, is an athlete and of course great muscular body.

Most Amazing Cat: Bengal Cat
Bengal Kittens

Bengal Cat in The House

Weighing about 8 to 15 pounds, this is a big cat which is highly active and intelligent. If you are in search of this kind and is talkative, confident then, Bengal Cat is definitely your choice. It is also quite friendly cat. Nothing goes unnoticed by it in the house. If there are children and cat friendly dogs in the house, this cat can be the best choice. It likes running, jumping in sofas and playing games including fetch. One interesting thing is that it goes to bed along with you and nothing scares this creature even it is a dog. If dogs are friendly, Bengal Cats can be goo friends with dogs too.

7 Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Bengal Cat

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