Saturday, February 28, 2015

Annual Cost of Pets

Annual Cost of Pets

Do you want to find about how much it costs you to keep a pet?

Annual Cost of Pets
Feeding a Dog

Then, this post might be of help. Before deciding to keep a pet, it is important to know how much it would cost to raise a pet and which is better for cost saving. May be you are planning to keep a pet which is quite expensive. Of course, the costs include the foods they eat, grooming costs and medical cost as well as they need check-ups sometimes. So there is a chart below showing the annual cost of pets.

Chart of Cost of Pets per annum

Annual Cost of Pets
Chart showing Cost of Pets per annum

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs 

Many surveys say differently about the best breeds of Dogs. Well, this survey was conducted by PetMD and it says that many people prefer small dogs as compared to the large ones. The reason behind it is that most people believe that smaller breeds are cuter, cuddlier and quieter. But it may not be so as different dogs are different in nature as human beings are. However, it is true that the smaller breeds are cuter. So, it is better not to jump into conclusion in hurry and decide about the breed to pet.

According to PetMD, these are the top ten 'Small Breed' Dogs:

1) Pomeranian

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs
If you are looking for dog which is friendly to children, Pomeranian can be the best choice. This breed of dog is considered adorable, mellow and gentle although very noisy sometimes. However, if the children are too little, it is not the best to choose this breed.

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs
2) Chihuahua

This is not the choice if there are children in the house as it is known for nipping at children. But it is known for its loyalty and affection although it can get louder sometimes barking at other dogs continuously.

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs
Boston Terriers

3) Boston Terrier

Now, it is a family dog which is friendly and gets well along the kids. It does not require much grooming. But the things you don't want to be destroyed must be kept away as this dog is fond of playing with household items.
Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs
Jack Russell Terrier

4) Jack Russell Terrier

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs
If you are looking for quiet dog, this may not be the choice. This dog likes to jump on furniture, run around and live happily. It loves to be pampered whole day.

5) Maltese 

This type of breed is friendly and gets along well with other dogs and also cats. Known as a companion dog, it does not like to be left alone for a long time. It is good for people with allergies.

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs
Shih Tsu

6) Shih Tsu

A good family dog which gets along well with other creatures and also children, it does not shed. So the owner does not have to do the daily grooming.

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs
Bichon Frise

7) Bichon Frise

Famous for its puffy coat and its curious name, it can be easily trained and is active dog. It is good for families as it gets along well with other animals and children.

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs

8) Dachsund

Are you searching for a watchdog? If yes, this can be the ultimate choice. It likes to get intimate with owner and can get aggressive around unfamiliar people. It is known for its daring, adventurous and curious nature and likes digging, hunting and chasing games.

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs

9) Pekingese

Aggressive in nature, this dog is not a family dog. However, it is a great companion as well as great watchdog. Grooming is necessary and it is quite tiresome grooming is thick undercoat.

Top 10 'Small Breeds' of Dogs
Skye Terrier

10) Skye Terrier

A great family dog, this is not the dog to choose if you are a cat owner as well. Besides this, it is a great and dependable dog which gets along with people very well.

No Dogs Allowed: San Francisco's Pet Housing Crisis

No Dogs Allowed: San Francisco's Pet Housing Crisis

Out of four, one person in San Francisco is being forced to abandon his pet dog. According to San Francisco animal welfare non profit SF SPCA, the reason behind this is the lack of pet-friendly housing. In the words of spokesperson Krista Maloney, the organization started a survey and it was able to locate this as a common problem. 

No Dogs Allowed: San Francisco's Pet Housing Crisis
Home Alone Dog

The competition has grown so fierce on renting the apartments in recent years that the landlords have the option of selecting the tenants to their liking. This has worsen the problem of finding places which are friendly to the pet owners. With limited space to construct buildings and tight regulations, it has become tiresome to get a place to live on. 

No Dogs Allowed: San Francisco's Pet Housing Crisis
Sam the chihuahua was left at the SPCA by an owner who couldn't find pet friendly housing

"While some landlords may be flexible about allowing small dogs, they know they can always find another tenant without any pets" said Michael Harrington( President of Pacific Union Property Management.