Saturday, February 28, 2015

No Dogs Allowed: San Francisco's Pet Housing Crisis

No Dogs Allowed: San Francisco's Pet Housing Crisis

Out of four, one person in San Francisco is being forced to abandon his pet dog. According to San Francisco animal welfare non profit SF SPCA, the reason behind this is the lack of pet-friendly housing. In the words of spokesperson Krista Maloney, the organization started a survey and it was able to locate this as a common problem. 

No Dogs Allowed: San Francisco's Pet Housing Crisis
Home Alone Dog

The competition has grown so fierce on renting the apartments in recent years that the landlords have the option of selecting the tenants to their liking. This has worsen the problem of finding places which are friendly to the pet owners. With limited space to construct buildings and tight regulations, it has become tiresome to get a place to live on. 

No Dogs Allowed: San Francisco's Pet Housing Crisis
Sam the chihuahua was left at the SPCA by an owner who couldn't find pet friendly housing

"While some landlords may be flexible about allowing small dogs, they know they can always find another tenant without any pets" said Michael Harrington( President of Pacific Union Property Management.

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